viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Slang 1940

bonkers-crazy, insane
fat head- stupid or foolish person

2. bonkers-nuts
fat head- idiot

3. To me slang in a language says that the culture is informal and show how languages are always changing and evolving. As the years pass, the language evolves and new words need to be created because of the new products created. In my opinion the most formal language is british english because adults speak it in a very formal way and there are not many slangs, they are mostly for the children. Slang lowers the dignity of formal and seriuos speech and writing.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

1940 The catcher in the rye

The music that was popular during that time period was classic rock, rock and roll,  folk music, country music, and swing.

One of the most famous movies in that day and one of the most known stories today is Pinocchio, an animated film by Walt Disney.
 Women's clothes of the 1940s were typically modeled after the utility clothes produced during war rationing. Squared shoulders, narrow hips, and skirts that ended just below the knee were the height of fashion. Tailored suits were also quite popular.
Coca Cola advertisement in the 1940

The time period affected the life of society, World War II  affected the whole world, many teenagers in the USA enlisted to the army in order to serve their country in the Pacific war against Japan or in another fight in Europe. If you were a jewish teenager,  your life would be a lot different, many one of your ancestors or relatives that lived in Germany where on concentration camps suffering or hiding from the nazis. The teenage life during that time period was very hard, mainly because of the war, now a days we have a better childhood and teenage life because of the many inventions.