viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Slang 1940

bonkers-crazy, insane
fat head- stupid or foolish person

2. bonkers-nuts
fat head- idiot

3. To me slang in a language says that the culture is informal and show how languages are always changing and evolving. As the years pass, the language evolves and new words need to be created because of the new products created. In my opinion the most formal language is british english because adults speak it in a very formal way and there are not many slangs, they are mostly for the children. Slang lowers the dignity of formal and seriuos speech and writing.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

1940 The catcher in the rye

The music that was popular during that time period was classic rock, rock and roll,  folk music, country music, and swing.

One of the most famous movies in that day and one of the most known stories today is Pinocchio, an animated film by Walt Disney.
 Women's clothes of the 1940s were typically modeled after the utility clothes produced during war rationing. Squared shoulders, narrow hips, and skirts that ended just below the knee were the height of fashion. Tailored suits were also quite popular.
Coca Cola advertisement in the 1940

The time period affected the life of society, World War II  affected the whole world, many teenagers in the USA enlisted to the army in order to serve their country in the Pacific war against Japan or in another fight in Europe. If you were a jewish teenager,  your life would be a lot different, many one of your ancestors or relatives that lived in Germany where on concentration camps suffering or hiding from the nazis. The teenage life during that time period was very hard, mainly because of the war, now a days we have a better childhood and teenage life because of the many inventions.

domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

tRANSCENDENTALISM ft Ralph waldo emerson (lauren polo)

Transcendetalism is an American literary,political,religious, and philosophical movement of the 19th century. The transcendentalists believed that a new era was at hand, that society and its institutions corrupted the purity of an individual.They empathized in the intuition as a mean to knowledge and the importance of the search of the divine.

Ralph waldo emerson

  1. Was born in Boston, Massachusetts  on May 25,1803.
  2. Died in Massachusetts on April 27, 1882.
  3. Emerson is also well known as a friend of David Thoreau.
  4. He had memory problems when he was old.
  5. He met Abraham Lincoln and agreed with the Emancipation Proclamation.
  6. His older son, Waldo, died in January 1842 from scarlet fever.
  7. He was poor when he studied at Harvard.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Scott Fitzgerald became famous because of publish of his first nobel "This Side of Paradise". That novel reflected what he felt about his time period. By doing this novel he proved he was a good writer and won Zelda back, they married. His time period was during WW1, which USA took part of. In his novels he expressed and reflected the time period mixed with his life. By doing this, the reader could know exactly how it was life in the 1920's. He characterized life in the 1920's and wrote it in a book. That is one of the main reasons of his succes.

Soccer in 1920 in the U.S.

The 1920s are popularly known as the golden era in the history of American soccer. The establishment of American Soccer League in 1921 was a mark as there was now a league that could compete with European players. Soccer was gaining fame through out the United States by that time. Working class comunities adopted  it. Soccer was 1st practiced in the U.S. after the civil war, gaining followers through out the camps. Universities and Colleges made teams for this sport. Soccer is now a days the most practiced sport. 

In 1930, the US participated in the first World Cup in Uruguay, and the teams from Atlantic Coast league subjugated the roster. The roster by now had added famous players like Bert Patenaude and Billy Gonsalves who performed well both in the World Cup and all through the 1930's. In the thirties all the foundations for what we know now a days as soccer where founded. FIFA was created and all the rules were stablished and clear.

url.jpg  PD:If this had not happenned, we would all be walkin zombies with no reason for living. 


martes, 9 de abril de 2013


Tom Sawyer is a spoiled but smart kid who lies and cheats in order to get what he wants. Tom Sawyer can be compared to my little brother or not that little, he is 14 years old. He always wants to play with his friends, or in the ipad or the xbox instead of doing homework or the things he has to do. He sometimes lies when my mother asks him if all his homework is done, just like Tom Sawyer does. If something bad happens my parents ask him first. That are some reasons why my brother is such alike to Tom Sawyer. I could also say that my mom is similar to Aunt Polly but maybe another time because it is  another story.

I can relate with Sid in Tom Sawyer because he is more controlled and does always the good thing staying out of trouble, but at the same time a have something of Tom Sawyer too. I consider myself preseverant, I don´t stop trying until I get what I want. I have the good things that  Sid and Tom have.

martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Native American Literature and Nature

1 Gaia principle is a principle that describes that all actions have an effect in someway with nature.It also states that organism intercat with inorganic sorroundings on Earth to form a self mantaining planet.
2 I expect that most stories have to do with nature and spuernatural things, such as Gods and "great trees". I think that the stories will make humans look bad and nature look good. It will show the problems of pollution. It will show global warming as it is with no lies.